Polish Community Care Services Inc. (PolCare) is a Registered NDIS Provider. Our organisation offers a range of services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people living with a disability.
Our services include:
- Support Coordination
- Plan Management
- Household tasks
- Daily Personal Activities
- Group and Centre-Based Activities
- Support by a Nurse
- Assistance with Travel/Transport
- Community access
- House and Yard maintenance
To access the latest news on PolCare’s NDIS activities, have a read of our quarterly NDIS Bulletin.

What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides Australians aged under 65, who have a permanent and significant disability, with funding for supports and services in their communities, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.
NDIS – What does it mean?
National: The NDIS is being introduced progressively across all states and territories.
Disability: The NDIS provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay.
Insurance: The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind. If they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need.
Scheme: The NDIS is not a welfare system. The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time.
NDIS key words
Permanent and significant disability: A permanent disability means your disability is likely to be lifelong. A significant disability has a substantial impact on your ability to complete everyday activities.
Supports and services: Assistance or products that help a person in their daily life and help them participate in the community and reach their goals.
Early intervention: Providing support to a person, either a child or an adult, as early as possible to reduce the impacts of disability or developmental delay and to build their skills and independence.
Goal of the program
The goal of NDIS is to:
- Support the independence, and social and economic participation of people with disability;
- Enable people with disability to exercise choice and control over the services they access to reach their goals;
- Provide reasonable and necessary support to people with disability.
Who is eligible for the NDIS?
The NDIS is available for people who meet the following requirements:
- Are under 65 years of age;
- Are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or a Protected Special Category Visa holder;
- Have a permanent and significant disability;
- Require support for everyday functioning.
Home and Community Care Program for Younger People
Service improvements 2019-20 [pdf]
More information: https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/ageing-and-aged-care/home-and-community-care/hacc-and-ndis
How can I join the program?
To access the program, contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) directly on 1800 800 110 to make an access request over the phone or ask for the access request form.
You may also contact your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) for support and assistance in making an access request. To find your nearest LAC or Local NDIS office visit www.ndis.gov.au/contact/locations
Once you have completed the access request, the NDIA advise you about the evidence that you will need to provide. You may be asked to provide the following information:
- Name, age, address and residency status
- Evidence of your age and residence
- Details of disability and its impact
- Existing or relevant reports from medical specialists or allied health professionals, to provide evidence of disability
- If you consent for the NDIA to discuss your disability with relevant parties (i.e. GP Centrelink, or a support person).
Please note, if you are currently receiving disability support from state or territory government, a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) representative will contact you on how to access NDIS supports.
For more information please visit www.ndis.gov.au
NDIS Price Guides
Price Guides
In July 2019 the NDIA introduced the Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP), a 7.5% loading that applies to personal care and community access supports.
The payment is designed to support providers to meet the costs associated with the NDIS transition.
Polcare implemented TTP (Temporary Transitional Payment) Pricing from July 2020.
Link https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/price-guides-and-pricing
Cennik NDIS
Przewodnik cen NDIS.
W lipcu 2019 r. NDIA wprowadziła tymczasową opłatę transformacyjną (TTP), 7,5% obciążenia, które dotyczy opieki osobistej i wsparcia dostępu do społeczności.
Płatność ma na celu wsparcie dostawców w pokryciu kosztów związanych z przejściem do NDIS.
Polcare wdrożyło ceny TTP (tymczasowe płatności przejściowe) od lipca 2020 r.
Link https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/price-guides-and-pricing
Who do I contact?
PolCare NDIS Program Coordinator
Ph: (03) 9569 4020
Email: coordinator@pccv.org.au